Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Happy Winesday!!

I have noticed a pattern amongst my friends between the number of they children they have and how much wine they drink.

(Maybe it's just my friends)

But I remember watching an Oprah episode (yes! I watched Oprah), where a family was talking about kids parties and the best way to make sure the adults stayed around was to serve boozes! My first thought was that's brilliant! My second thought was I hope they all live close enough to walk home.

I must admit some of my more memorable 'play-dates' have involved a glass of wine.  You tend to ignore what the 'bad kids' at those play-dates are doing to your child when you are sipping a nice Merlot.

I was at the 'Telus Spark Science Centre' a couple of weeks ago, when I saw a lady frantically chasing after a 3 year old little girl. After she caught her, she happened to sit down next to me. I joking said: "Got your hands full with that one." To which she replied: "This one? No this is the good one! Her twin sister is the wild one!"

I joking said: "Wow! I'm outnumbered with one, I couldn't imagine two!  You must drink allot of wine"

To which she replied: "We buy it by the box now!" and she was off chasing the 'good' one.

So I have decided that from this day forth on my blog every Wednesday will now be called Winesday. (I am not encouraging you to drink, I am merely posting the links to the liquor store ads so that you can print, shop around and save. Because some of us which have children find relaxation in a glass from time to time.)





Enjoy and Cheers!

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