Saturday 9 March 2013

Grossest thing my child has ever done (so far)

This blog post came from an incident at my daughters swimming, which lead to a discussion among us parents who saw it.

To give you an idea of some of the gross things my daughter has done, I include this photo. This is my daughter being goofy and sticking Penne Pasta in her nose and eating it afterwards. But I assure you this is not even close to the grossest thing she has ever done.

I will tell you about the incident first then I will tell you about the discussion which followed.

I am sitting in the viewing area at my local "Y" watching my daughter doing her swimming lessons, and I happen to look over to the lap pool and see an older child "drinking out of the gutter".

He was literally sucking up water out of the gutter every 10 seconds or so.

It was gross!

For those of you who don't know the gutter is the blue part in the image below.

I laughingly pointed out the child to the parent sitting beside me on my left, and that parent said: "Oh no. It's mine!" and lowered her head in shame.

To which I laughed hysterically.

I then comforted the parent and told them the grossest thing my daughter ever did.

My daughter when she was 10 months old was crawling on the floor, and unannounced to me had thrown up on our hardwood floor. I then heard a noise, so I investigated. What I discovered was my daughter "sucking up" and eating her throw up.

That by far is the grossest thing she has ever done (yet).

Then the parent sitting next to me on my right said: "Oh yeah!  I can beat that."

You see her two kids (ages 5 and 3) were playing in the rec room while the mom was making lunch. When the mom came in to let the kids know it was lunch time, she noticed that they were using "aqua pens". She then asked the kids where they got the water and they pointed to the bathroom.  "From the sink?" the mom said surprised. "No mom from the toilet!" the youngest said proudly.

We all agreed that that was now the grossest thing any of the kids had ever done.

Then a final parent told us her story, which won the grand prize of grossest thing ever.

You see her youngest child a girl, loves watching her older brother doing all of his "big kid things".  So when he brushes his teeth she watches.  When he brushes she pretends to brush, when he rinses his mouth out afterwards so does she.  One time the younger child decided she really needed to rinse her mouth, and actually filled a cup up with water from the toilet and rinse her mouth and spit it out.

Her Kids are 3 and 1 & 1/2 and the older kid is potty trained but doesn't always flush the toilet.

This particular time the toilet hadn't been flushed.

Think about these stories next time your child eats their boogers or dirt.

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